Pathfinder Art

...resources in the Drain-Jordan Library, West Virginia State University
How do I get started? Our Reference Department is a great place to get started ; it has subject specific dictionaries, handbooks, field guides and encyclopedias which will help you define and focus upon your research topic. Reference librarians are on duty at all hours and they are willing and able to assist you. Fine Arts and Art History materials use LC call number range N (Fine Arts).
INDEXES Art Index, paper. Main Lobby and Periodical Room (older years). Index to domestic and foreign publications including yearbooks and museum bulletins. Subject areas include art history, architecture, archaeology, graphic arts, photography, ceramic, weaving and related subjects in the visual arts. The library has the index from volume 1, January 1929. Information about artists and art techiques is usually valid for long periods and tends to run in cycles. The paper index provides sources from earlier years not included in the electronic indexes listed below.

We subscribe to several large Internet-based periodical indexes which provide you with full-text articles. EBSCOHost and Infotrac Searchbank contain general academic databases which cover a wide variety of subject areas, including the Fine Arts.

Where do I find the periodicals? Use our "Periodical Holdings List". We publish a list of our periodicals each semester and scatter them throughout the library. This alphabetical list tells you what titles we own, the years and volumes, and the format. Library staff will help you find the titles in our Periodicals Room. Periodicals cannot be checked out, but may be photocopied.
REFERENCE BOOKS Here are just a few of the many reference titles that may help you.
The Dictionary of Art

Ref N 31 .D5 1996
Who's Who in American Art

Ref N 6536 .W5 1984
Art History

Ref N 5300 .S923 1995
A Biographical Dictionary of Artists

Ref N 40 .B53 1995
CIRCULATING BOOKS You may wish to find additional material on an artist, technique, or subject in the circulating books. To locate items search the Chameleon Book Catalog using the internet. The catalog allows simple (Title Author Subject Keyword) searches and more complex boolean searches. The (search) type has a drop down menu for selection of the field type to search. Select subject as the type followed by the subject of your paper or presentation. If your subject term does not produce results, check the Library of Congress Subject Headings, the "Big Red" books, located in the lobby area. They list the terms used by the catalog and suggest additional search terms and browsing Call Number ranges.
The library also has a limited number of "art prints" in the catalog. A search with the artist as the subject should bring them up.
A large number of art books are oversized and therefore are located in the QTO section. (The QTO books are shelved at the backwall of the Reference Room and CAN circulate.)
INTERNET RESOURCES A few resources to start from:
Art History Resources on the Web
Comprehensive list of web links organized by time period. Maintained by Chris Qitcombe at Sweet Briar College, Virginia.

Fine Arts World Resources Page
University of British Columbia's resources page from their Fine Arts Library. Resources for architecture, dance, costume, artistic photography, design, etc..

Art Planet
On-line fine art directory of artists, auction houses, galleries, libraries, museums, exhibitions, publishers and other fine art services

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