Subject Encyclopedias and Handbooks Examples for English 102

English 102 [Taylor-Johnson]
Encyclopedia of Psychology  BF 31 .E52 2000 v.1-8
Handbook of Child Psychology BF 721 .H242 1998 v.1-4
Encyclopedia of Religion  BL 31 .E46 1987 v, 1-16
Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America E 184 .A1 G14 1999 v.1-3
African American Cultural and History E 185 .E54 1996 v.1-5
Environmental Encyclopedia GE 10 ,E57 1994
CQ Researcher [See Note Below.] H 35 .E3525
Statistical Abstracts of the United States HA 202 .A36 1999
Encyclopedia of Business HF 1001 .E 466 1995 v.1-2
Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance HF 5381 .E52 1997 v.1-4
Women's Issues HQ 1115 .W6425 1997 v.1-3
Encyclopedia of Urban America: Cities and Suburbs HT 123 .E5 1998 v.1-2
Macmillan Encyclopedia of World Slavery  HT 861 .M24 1998 v.1-2
Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice HV 6017 .E52 1983 v.1-4
West's Encyclopedia of American Law KF 154 .W47 1997 v. 1-12
Dictionary of Art N 31 .D5 1996 v.1-34
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology Q 121 .M3 1997 v.1-20
Encyclopedia of Bioethics QH 332 .E52 1995 v.1-5
Encyclopedia of Nursing Research  RT 81.5 .E53 1998

Note: CQ Researcher is technically a periodical which is published every two weeks. It works like an encyclopedia though. It takes a topic of current interest and examines the issues from all viewpoints. This coverage allows readers an overview of a subject from which they can began to focus their thinking.  Also it provides a bibliography for further research. Return to Top.

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